On September 26, the Master of Alpha Lodge, Wor. Don Crookes, along with other Masters of the 15N Masonic District was interviewed by the Right Worshipful District Deputy Grandmaster, Michael Scribner, about his plans for Alpha Lodge in the upcoming masonic year.
Wor. Bro. Crookes talked about the transormation of Alpha Lodge to an observant lodge and the shared with those present the intention to follow RW. Andrew Hammer's "Eight Steps to Excellence: The Observant Lodge," each step serving as the program for the regular communication of Alpha Lodge during the year. The Master explained that the focus of Alpha Lodge going forward will be on the philosophical aspects of the ritual and the interpretation that each of us bring to the teachings of Freemasonry.
Supplementing the program will be a meal with philosophical discussion or presentation very much in line with how the founders of speculative masonry envisioned the lodge to function. The first presentation will be an overview of the program which will be presented during the DDGM's official visit to Alpha Lodge on the fourth Monday in October. The Master invites all interested parties to reserve for dinner and join us for the program.