Welcome to the home page of Alpha Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, meeting at 6 Main Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts.

We meet every 4th Monday, September through June

As a lodge of Freemasons, we are part of the oldest and largest fraternal organization in the world, an organization that is dedicated to the basic tenets of friendship, morality, and brotherly love. Alpha Lodge was formally constituted on November 13, 1876, and has been quietly serving the community since its inception. Part of our mission, and every Masonic lodge's mission, is to "make good men better" to serve our families, fraternity, faith, communities, and country. Alpha Lodge operates by charter under the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Massachusetts.


The first step to becoming a Freemason, especially if you don't know any, is to get to know some of us. Becoming a Freemason is a very personal decision and is not a right fit for everyone. We want to get to know you to make sure Masonry is right for you, and you should get to know us to understand if we are the right lodge for you.


We meet once each month and start by sitting down together to share a meal. We spend time catching up but will often have a presentation or discussion of an educational, historical, or philosphical nature. While meetings are reserved for only those who are Freemasons, guests and visitors are warmly received for dinner, by invitation.


No one is asked to become a Freemason. This is not a society that has been privately selected by invitation only. Our Fraternity is built on free-minded men who seek out and ask to be made a Mason. Once you have gotten to know some of the members, ask for a petition. They will let you know if they think it is right for you and the right time to join.


Once you fill out your petition, you will be expected to give references to vouch for your character and values. This is one reason it is so important to get to know some of the members. After you have your petition submitted, several members will be assigned to your request and will meet with you to explore your interest and provide answer to any remaining questions.


Alpha Lodge has been named a nominee for the Golden Gavel Awards, being held on January 26, 2019, at the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum in Lexington. The Golden Gavel Awards is a new event meant to showcase outstanding programs and activities by lodges in the jurisdiction and are presented to those “advancing our Craft and the lodges.” Alpha Lodge has been nomination in the category of “Activation” for the work done to promote Freemasonry via our technology and web site.