Right Worshipful Robert E. Havener will be installed Potentate of the Aleppo Shrine this month. Brother Havener was raised in Alpha Lodge in 1993 and is a Past Master (1999, 2011); he is also our acting Treasurer. Rob has served as both an officer of and a representative to the Framingham Temple Association and has done so for many years. He was District Deputy Grand Master for the 15N Masonic District in 2009, and he is a founding member of Scimitar Lodge.
Brother Havener will be installed as Potentate Saturday, January 19, 2019. Please mark this date and consider celebrating this milestone with your Brother.
For more details, please visit the Aleppo Shriners website: https://nobles.alepposhriners.com/event/aleppo-january-2019-ceremonial/