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On October 29, 2016, the Members of Alpha Lodge and nearly the entire officer line escorted our candidate, Brother Jason Bodley, to the reunion of the Valley of Boston, wherein candidate Bro. Bodley had the distinct honor of being chosen as the explare for the Princes of Jeruselem degree work. Brothers Marks, Crookes, and Lajoie attended an educational series about Scottish Rite Freemasonry as well as participated in a discussion of about the 23rd degree, Chief of the Tabbernacle. Bro. Goetz worked in his role as 1st Luitenant head of the Black Watch of the Knights of Saint Andrew, and Brothers Rothman and Gianoukos worked as members of the Knights of Saint Andrew. It was a pleasure to see Most Wise Master, George F. Hamilton, the presiding officer of the Mount Olivet Chapter of Rois Croix.
On Wednesday, June 17th, at 10:00 a.m., the Grand Master of Masons, M.W. Harvey J. Waugh, will have the pleasure of conducting a cornerstone ceremony at the Massachusetts State House and re-deposit its time capsule.
Alpha Lodge, along with representatives from all of the other lodges within the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts and beyond will join the Grand Master and his distinguished suite as they process along the Boston Common from the Boston Masonic Building. The Grand Lodge officers will join the Governor, the Honorable Charles D. Baker, and the Secretary of the Commonwealth, William F. Galvin for a ceremony to relay the cornerstone.
Remarks will be made by Governor Baker, Secretary Galvin, and M.W. Bro. Waugh following the ceremony.
Members should register with the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts (http://www.massfreemasonry.org/state-house/)
Church bells at 1st Parish toll at 5:45AM to sound the alarm.
“Dr. Prescott” arrives at the North Bridge after riding across the fields calling out the warning to towns and villages that the Regulars were on the march and that their destination was Concord. The Concord Minutemen fire salutes and the Concord Independent Battery fire several volleys from the field at the Old Manse.
Read more: Concord Dawn Salute Ceremony 05:45 April 19, 2015
The November Regular Communication featured speaker Bro. Christopher Murphy who presented “The Foundation of All Symbolical Learning: Pythagorean symbolism in the Craft.” Brother Murphy is a Charter Junior Warden of Fibonacci Lodge ? 112, the first Traditional Observance Lodge in the Grand Lodge of Vermont, F & AM. He is a full member of the Vermont Lodge of Research #110 and a member of the Philalethes Society.
Christopher Murphy's workd was featured in the Philalethes Journal of Masonic Research (which is now available as a preview article for the publication at http://www.freemasongry.org) and Living Stones Masonic Magazine. We heartily thank Brother Murphy and those who attended, and we look forward to bringing you more topics.
On Saturday, May 4th, 2013, members of Alpha Lodge attended the re-dedication of the Boston State House by the Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts, Richard James Stewart, and his Suite of Officers, escorted in procession to and from Faneuil Hall by the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts lead by Captain Paul M. Collela, chartered in 1638 by the General Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Visit the Lodge Album for pictures from the day.
The Massachusetts Department of Transportation issues “special design plates” (e.g. the Red Sox/Jimmy Fund plate, Cape Cod and Islands) to help promote awareness and to raise money on behalf of specific programs.
Freemasons with automobiles registered in Massachusetts are encouraged to demonstrate their pride in belonging to the oldest and finest fraternal society in the world, increase awareness of our fraternity, and raise funds to support our charitable and educational programs.
*Note: Design is subject to change. This is just an example.