At the September regular communication of Alpha Lodge, outgoing Master, Worshipful Craig S. Rothman along with the Right Worshipful District Deputy Grandmaster for the 15 North Masonic District surprised Worshipful Brother Donald W. Crookes, Jr. with the Robert Johnston Award for his hard work during the past decade. Worshipful Brother Rothman pointed to the work done to establish Alpha Lodge's relationship with the Pearl Street Cafe and Cupboard where members literally serve the community, helping to feed citizens in Framingham in times of need as well as the ongoing commitment to Alpha Lodge, Worshipful Brother Crookes having served Alpha Lodge as an officer since joining Freemasonry more than a decade ago.
The intent of the Robert Johnson Award is to recognize the hardest working among us.
A Freemason for nearly sixty years, R.W. Bro. Johnston was a Past Master of Somerville Lodge, a Past District Deputy Grand Master, Past Junior Grand Warden, and Past Grand Lecturer. He was the recipient of the Distinguished Service Medal, Henry Price Medal, and received similar awards in the York Rite, Scottish Rite, and Shrine. Just as he served in World War II, R.W. Bro. Johnston was where the action was in Freemasonry.To know R.W. Bro. Johnston, though, was so much more. He was the Brother who would greet you and make you feel welcome when you were new or visiting his Lodge. He was the Brother who would quietly do the jobs that no one liked or noticed. He was the Brother that every person loved to be with. We say that it is a credit to have lived respected and die regretted. When R.W. Bro. Johnston passed to the celestial Lodge on January 5, 2017, he epitomized that sentiment.