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Alpha Members Lead Shriners Waltham-Day Parade
On Saturday, September 22, Waltham celebrated its 135 anniversary as a city, bringing back the Waltham Day Parade after a 29-year hiatus, and heading that parade were recognizable Alpha Lodge members.
Worshipful Craig Rothman was seen carrying the Aleppo Shriners' banner as part of the , seen on the right just in front of the Arab Patrol, the oldest marching unit, which was instituted in 1885, a mere 9 years after Alpha Lodge was chartered.
We also saw the Potentate himself, Right Worshipful Rob Havener, Past Master of Alpha Lodge, Past DDGM for the 15N Masonic District, and sitting Treasurer for Alpha Lodge. Worshipful Adam Marks was in attendance as a Waltham resident (and Shriner), and his wife and daughter marched with the Center for Creative Movement.
Whether you are a Shriner or not, the Potentate has declared that any Mason may attend and march in or ride in the parade with the Shriners, and we encourage members of Alpha to join in the fun. You can visit the Aleppo Shrine's website for more information or read more to see remaining parade dates in October.

Wor. Bro. Don Crookes Receives Robert Johnston Award
At the September regular communication of Alpha Lodge, outgoing Master, Worshipful Craig S. Rothman along with the Right Worshipful District Deputy Grandmaster for the 15 North Masonic District surprised Worshipful Brother Donald W. Crookes, Jr. with the Robert Johnston Award for his hard work during the past decade. Worshipful Brother Rothman pointed to the work done to establish Alpha Lodge's relationship with the Pearl Street Cafe and Cupboard where members literally serve the community, helping to feed citizens in Framingham in times of need as well as the ongoing commitment to Alpha Lodge, Worshipful Brother Crookes having served Alpha Lodge as an officer since joining Freemasonry more than a decade ago.
The intent of the Robert Johnson Award is to recognize the hardest working among us.
Read more: Wor. Bro. Don Crookes Receives Robert Johnston Award
Alpha Member Brings to Focus Brotherly Love and Relief
Erik Marks, member of Alpha Lodge, brings into focus the subject of Masonic Relief in his expanded article, "In Darkness, Wishing for Light" published on The Midnight Freemasons and first published in the Trowel Magazine in the Fall of 2018.
The expanded article provides advice and strategies for reaching out to those in need who may not be able to do so for themselves. We commend our brother for this contribution and look forward to seeing more from him in the near future.
Alpha Says Goodbye at Arlington National Cemetery
On October 11, 2018, the Worshipful Master and five members of Alpha Lodge met at Old Post Chapel, Fort Myer, for the service of Brother and Colonel Lee Dickson, after which Brother Dickson was laid to rest with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery.
The fact that the members of Alpha Lodge had never met Brother Dickson in person, and that only a handful of the brothers had the pleasure to have spoken to Brother Dickson during our regular calls to members, was not of consequence. This was going to be both an emotional and poignent day, but also a day where the light of Freemasonry and humanity shines brightly.
Read more: Alpha Says Goodbye at Arlington National Cemetery
Alpha Past Master to Head the Aleppo Shrine
Right Worshipful Robert E. Havener will be installed Potentate of the Aleppo Shrine this month. Brother Havener was raised in Alpha Lodge in 1993 and is a Past Master (1999, 2011); he is also our acting Treasurer. Rob has served as both an officer of and a representative to the Framingham Temple Association and has done so for many years. He was District Deputy Grand Master for the 15N Masonic District in 2009, and he is a founding member of Scimitar Lodge.
Brother Havener will be installed as Potentate Saturday, January 19, 2019. Please mark this date and consider celebrating this milestone with your Brother.
For more details, please visit the Aleppo Shriners website: https://nobles.alepposhriners.com/event/aleppo-january-2019-ceremonial/
Golden Gavel Awards - Jan 2019
Alpha Lodge has been named a nominee for the Golden Gavel Awards, being held on January 26, 2019, at the Scottish Rite Masonic Museum in Lexington. The Golden Gavel Awards is a new event meant to showcase outstanding programs and activities by lodges in the jurisdiction and are presented to those “advancing our Craft and the lodges.” Alpha Lodge has been nomination in the category of “Activation” for the work done to promote Freemasonry via our technology and web site.
M.A.S.O.N. Program
Framingham Freemasons announce their M.A.S.O.N. program, which stands for Medical Apparatus Servicing Our Neighbors. Lee Cleveland, founder of the program and member of Middlesex Lodge, describe the program's mission: "To lend at no cost home-use health/hospital equipment to those in need."
The requirements are simple, "a need for equipment and a willingness to promptly return the equipment when no longer needed." This program is for anyone, not just for Freemasons. It is supported by Freemasons from Framingham but also from the metrowest area. The equipment is for home use only and may not be transferred to another individual or party. For detailed information, please visit the website for the M.A.S.O.N. program: https://www.mason-metrowest.org
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