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New Master Qualified on the U.S.S. Constitution
On June 4, 2024, Wor, Don Crookes was qualified as Alpha Lodge's Master aboard the U.S.S. Constitution in the historic Charlestown Navy Shipyard. Accompanied by Wor. Adam Marks serving as the qualifying master representative and member of the qualifying council, Alpha Lodge joined with x other lodges to qualify their masters in this historic setting aboard the constitution.
"USS Constitution is the world’s oldest commissioned warship afloat and America’s Ship of State. She played a crucial role in the Barbary Wars and the War of 1812, actively defending sea lanes from 1797 to 1855.
The Constitution's overall length is 204 feet (62 metres), its displacement is 2,200 tons, and its gun range is 1,200 yards (1,100 metres). The bolts fastening its timbers and copper sheathing on the bottom were made by the silversmith and patriot Paul Revere, who served as the Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts from 1794 to 1797." (Britannica.com)
While Wor. Bro. Crookes has served as Master of Alpha Loge twice before, he now takes over the leadership of Alpha Lodge in a transformative year during during which Alpha Lodge formally embraces Observant Masonry.
What's an Installation of Officers?
Alpha Lodge will be hosting our 149th installation of officers on September 23, 2024, and you're wondering, "what is an installation of officers?"
Formal or Casual -- Yes!
The uniform of an Officer of a masonic lodge in Massachusetts is the Tuxedo. Members of the lodge typically wear a suit or shirt, tie, and a jacket to masonic meetings and functions. Our visitors, however, should feel free to wear whatever they consider to be comfortable and respectful within their own views given the occasion.
It's a bit of ceremony
The Freemasons have practiced our craft for many hundreds of years. The ceremony is about accepting the duties, responsibilities, and commitments that the officers of a lodge make to the membership and Freemasonry. It's about honoring your commitments, following reason, treating all others with respect as equals, and it's about upholding these values for the upcoming year during which these elected and appointed officers will be entrusted with the care and direction of the lodge, with the incoming Worshipful Master leading the lodge.
Our Relationship with Charity, a Dinner Discussion
Freemasons are renowned for their charitable acts. As a society, we are taught that true charity is a selfless act, but is it? As Freemasons, we are seekers of Truth. What does the science say and, equally important, what does it mean? Continuing with our annual theme, "Geometry: The Art and Science of Relationships," we will be focusing on "Our Relationship with Charity." Our guest speaker is a Harvard Professor and TEDx Cambridge presenter who has studied the science of Charity and our motivations behind performing charitable acts.
Please join the members of Alpha Lodge for a dinner presentation and discussion. Dinner is open to all Freemasons and vouched friends of the fraternity. Registration is required.
George F. Hamilton of Alpha Lodge Installed Grand Master
Members throughout the Masonic jurisdiction of Massachusetts attended the Installation of Officers and the Feast of St. John at the Grand Lodge on December 27. Alpha Lodge members had the honor of participating in the installation for their friend and Brother, George Hamilton. In addition, RW. Alfredo Canhoto was elected Junior Grand Warden, Wor. George Hayeck was appointed Junior Grand Deacon, and RW. Mike Scribner was appointed DDGM of the 15th North Masonic Jurisdiction. The district, the Grand Lodge, and the Grand Jurisdiction are in goo hands.
(To see the official release and the origin of this image, please visit the Grand Lodge Website: https://massfreemasonry.org/news/m-w-george-f-hamilton-installed-91st-grand-master-of-masons-of-massachusetts/)
U.S.S. Massachusetts Masonic Memorial Service
The Master of Alpha Lodge joined the Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts and his suite of officers for a memorial remembering and honoring military veterans. The event took place Sunday, September 25, 2022, at 10:00 AM aboard the U.S.S. Massachusetts at 5 Water Street, Fall River, Massachusetts.
The ceremony included a beautiful and heartfelt tribute to R.W. Harold Nye, a decorated sailor and verteran of the USS Massachusetts.
Scottish Rite Spring 2023 Reunion
The Spring class is on Saturday, April 15, 2023, beginning at 6:30 a.m. Degrees will be shown from each of the four bodies, including the 4° and 32°. As with recent classes, we ask all current members to register for free using the link below. Blue Lodge Freemasons who are interested in joining should speak to the Master of Alpha Lodge as soon as possible.
Travelling Gavel Resides at Alpha
The traveling guide has made it to Alpha Lodge. It was acquired by Alpha Lodge in the Framingham Masonic Apartments on May 17, 2022.
Here you can see the District Deputy Grandmaster presenting the Award to RW. Douglas B. Freeman, Master of Alpha Lodge, assisted by RW. Alfred Canhoto, with RW. Paul Gaudet in the background.
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