Dinner Reservations
District Events
Upcoming GL Events
U.S.S. Massachusetts Masonic Memorial Service
The Master of Alpha Lodge joined the Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts and his suite of officers for a memorial remembering and honoring military veterans. The event took place Sunday, September 25, 2022, at 10:00 AM aboard the U.S.S. Massachusetts at 5 Water Street, Fall River, Massachusetts.
The ceremony included a beautiful and heartfelt tribute to R.W. Harold Nye, a decorated sailor and verteran of the USS Massachusetts.
Travelling Gavel Resides at Alpha
The traveling guide has made it to Alpha Lodge. It was acquired by Alpha Lodge in the Framingham Masonic Apartments on May 17, 2022.
Here you can see the District Deputy Grandmaster presenting the Award to RW. Douglas B. Freeman, Master of Alpha Lodge, assisted by RW. Alfred Canhoto, with RW. Paul Gaudet in the background.
Framingham Freemasons on Flag Day '22
As has been the tradition, the Freemasons commemorate "Flag Day" by participating in a parade. Representatives from the Framingham Freemasons continue the tradition
If you ever spot a Freemason and want to learn more about it, you should ask. Most Freemasons love to discuss the fraternity (so be forewarned, you may need an exit strategy).
by Marching in "Regalia," (the collars and aprons signify they are members of the lodge leadership.)
Announcing the Reception for Our Senior Grand Warden
Alpha Lodge wishes to extend the invitation to all regular and upright Freemasons to attend the reception of
R.W. George F. Hamilton
Senior Grand Warden
Saturday, February 22, 2020
The Grand Lodge Building, 186 Tremont Street, Boston
Lodge Opens at 11:45 A.M.
Investiture of the Fellow Craft Degree
Greet the Grand Master at 2:00 PM
Grand Master will be received at 2:30 P.M.
Reception to follow.
Tickets to the reception are $35.00. You may reserve your place by contacting
Alpha PM Named Senior Grand Warden
Worshipful Brother George Hamilton (center) has received two distinguished honors as of late. First, he has been named Senior Grand Warden of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. Second, he has been elected to serve as an active member of the Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, in August. Worshipful Brother Hamilton was raised in Alpha Lodge in 1984 and served as Master from 1987 to 1989. He was appointed to the office of Grand Standard Bearer by M.W. Jeffrey B. Hodgdon in 2007 and currently serves on the Grand Lodge Board of Directors. He served as the Most Wise Master of Mount Olivet Chapter of Rose Croix from 2014 to 2017 and was created a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33°, Honorary Member of the Supreme Council in August of 2017. George is a member of the York Rite bodies as well, and has been elected to receive the degrees in St. Bernard Commandery #12.
We wish Brother Hamilton the best of luck on his new appointments and his bid for Senior Grand Warden, and we offer him our full support. Please join us in congratulating our distinguished brother.
Alpha's Erik Marks Published in SCRL
Congratulations to Alpha's Erik Marks whose work appeared in this month's Southern California Research Lodge's "Fraternal Review" alongside the work of Right Worshipful Michael Jarzabek, our Past Senior Grand Warden. This edition, "The Force and the Dark Side," explores the antithesis of the "Light" we so often refer to in Freemasonry. This edition is a follow-up to their December 2017 issue, "The Force and the Light," with articles that explore these themes but also draw comparisons to those themes within the Star Wars "Legend." Thanks to both Brothers Marks and Jarzabek for their work and congratulations for the recognition of such work. To subscribe to the the Southern California Reserach Lodge "Fraternal Review" or to learn more about the research lodge, please <click> on the the icon.
Official Visit of the DDGM and 1st Degree

Alpha Lodge will warmly welcome the District Deputy Grand Master for the 15th Masonic District, North, Right Worshipful Danny Vogel and his suite of officers and guests at our regular communication on Monday, October 28, 2019, for an Official Visit. The evening will start with dinner in our usual fashion. Will will open on the first degree and will confer the first degree upon one worthy man. We hope you will join us. Dinner reservations can be made via the event link on the right.
Right Worshipful Brother Vogel was raised and is an active member in United Brethren Lodge, which was instituted 1859, in the town of Marlborough, Massachusetts. United Brethren Lodge is presently under the guidance of Worshipful Daren A. Nowlan, Master.
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